A Record-Setting Month: 32 Local Events Organized Globally

There’s a strong demand for more high-quality local events, and our reliable Chapter Leads are innovating. (Chapter Leads are community members who help organize meet-ups in their city.)

There have been 32 local events organized (so far) in January, and this post highlights a few interesting ones.

Andy M., the Tokyo Chapter Lead, organized an afternoon Mastermind.

The Tokyo Chapter had a lightbulb moment when they realized they didn’t have to wait for an event to create the magic of DC Mastermind, they could do it on their own with the DCers in their city.

Six DCers participated and had 25 minutes on the hotseat to share their problem and receive feedback. Each participant also realized that even though they knew of each other’s businesses, they didn’t know the challenges their friends were facing. Post-mastermind, the participants were eager to do this again and were excited to continue deep conversations about their businesses.

Matthew I., Vancouver Chapter Lead, organized a brunch for DC-adjacent entrepreneurs.

The DCers in Vancouver wanted to introduce their DC friends to other local entrepreneurs who were a good fit for the community. During the brunch, everyone had a chance to introduce themselves and their business to the group. This led to meaningful connections and conversations. The brunch was an excellent way for the Vancouver Chapter to welcome more high-level entrepreneurs.

Jan R., the Austin Chapter Lead, and Michael C., one of the Bangkok Chapter Leads, organized coworking sessions during the day.

The members of the Austin and Bangkok chapters know that they can show up at the coworking space and find other DCers there. Some participants will focus on their work for an hour or two and then join the conversation by the (real-life) water cooler.

Positive outcomes of the coworking sessions include asking for advice on immediate issues in their business as well as finding accountability and motivation in a group of hard-working entrepreneurs. DCers at the coworking session will also break for lunch at the same time and, when the workday is done, have a Junto in the evening.

Matt H., the Chapter Lead of Manila, encourages participants to bring business updates.

Matt hosts Juntos on Sunday afternoons. He has every attendee introduce themselves and share what they’re working on. DCers bring their laptops and can work out problems through immediate feedback they’re getting at the Junto.

Thank you to all of our Chapter Leads who are connecting DCers through local events each month.

The connections between members at these innovative events contribute to the magic that makes the DC.


A New DC Experience - Join Us in May Beachside in Playa Del Carmen for DC MEXICO