Here’s what some of our members think about Dynamite Circle.
“Joining the DC has been one of the best decisions I’ve made as a business owner”
Davis Nguyen
Founder of My consulting Offer
“The DC has plugged me into a network of like-minded peers who are at similar stages in their businesses”
Andy Morgan
Founder of RippedBody.com
“The DC is the Star Wars cantina of internet entrepreneurship - you'll come in looking for an answer to something specific, and you'll walk out with some type of alien technology and a bunch of weird new bounty hunter friends.”
Tommy Griffith
Founder of Clickminded
Karla Singson
Karla Singson, Founder of Proximity Outsourcing
“I love being in DC, it is a great community of growth-focused individuals that help me level up in life and in business. I especially love the variety of people, backgrounds, and businesses in this group. It does not operate in an echo chamber or have clique-y attributes. In the DC, I've made meaningful friendships, business relationships, and to be honest, I've had so much fun! Doesn't matter if it's a random golf day with a DCer, or negotiating a six figure contract.”
Vinh Ho
Founder of Focus Asia-Pacific
“I participated in DCBKK 2019 and have been a member ever since then. What makes this entreprenuership community different is: Members are very open and willing to help and share information. There are a lot of impressive remote businesses here, most are 6 or 7 figures. Members are quite impressive in and among themselves often running 6 and 7 figure remote businesses. Participants are quite quirky and have a wide-range of interests, which includes of course world travel and living in far off locations as digital nomads. The number one reason for me to continue being a part of the DC is so I can learn from successful entreprenuers and apply those concepts to my business.”
Alex Pantich
Founder of Up Shift Work
“The DC has been a great way to connect with other entrepreneurs who live a location-independent lifestyle and aren't transactional. Most entrepreneur organizations I've come across are location-specific or don't do enough vetting/curation of members. DC has a real community of people who are passionate about this lifestyle and their businesses, which is amazing. It's a lot more fun to travel when you have friends you can relate to wherever you are going. The top reason I am a member is definitely the relationships you build as a member. I think especially the in-person events are great.”
Maria Sirotkina
Founder of Art Heroes
“I joined DC over 4 years ago for the masterminds, because having a power circle is invaluable. It helped me to take my first remote company from a project to a full-on brand. And even more than that, now DC is pretty much my circle of friends. Last year, when I had the lowest personal period in my life, DC community paid for my conference ticket and dragged me to BKK, and it completely turned my life around. I went from a health crisis to being completely turned on in my business, started building my company again, and found new solutions to old issues. I'm the biggest DC fangirl because it's a group of smart and humble people doing impactful things, one business at a time.”
Harry Morton
Founder of LowerStreet
"The connections and friendships I’ve made as a member of the DC - and the mentorship, support, and encouragement they have provided - have played a major role in my agency reaching 7 figures and 20+ team members. I don’t think I’d be where I am without it."
Amar Ghose
Founder of Zen Maid
“The DC has led me to many personal mindsets, and hence, business, breakthroughs over the years. Countless times I've needed help or found a challenge I couldn't work through, only for a DCer to save the day/show me the way. I met most of my best friends through the DC. I'm never leaving!”
Leeanne Beesley
Co-founder of Coworker.com
“I joined the DC back in 2013 and it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've made incredible friends, gained business partners, and met people that I'm so inspired by. Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey, but thanks to the DC I'm pretty much always surrounded by other entrepreneurs no matter what country I'm in. Being in the DC makes the world feel very small... from week long masterminds on an active volcano in Italy, to coworking/road-tripping around New Zealand, to attending tech conferences in Dubai, the experiences I've had with DCers are unparalleled. Plus I've learned a ton - the forum is a great resource and the workshops / presentations at DCBKK (the annual conference in Bangkok) are always brilliant!”
Jimmy Rose
Founder of Content Snare
“In the DC, there's a different level of conversation that I can't get anywhere else. I have an online business, but most local friends have "normal" jobs. They haven't been through all the same stuff, so I can't seek advice or whine about business stuff. Relationships with DCers add something that's missing from the rest of my life. I'll never forget my first DCBKK and how easy it was to fit in with everyone. After a couple of weeks of hanging out in Chiang Mai, it felt like we'd been friends for years. Sounds corny as hell, but it's exactly how it was. Every time I go to a DC event, I come back with more motivation and a bunch of ideas to implement. The level of people in the community is insane.”
“Last year, when I had the lowest personal period in my life, the DC community paid for my conference ticket and dragged me to BKK, which completely turned my life around. I went from a health crisis to being completely turned on in my business”
Maria Sirotkina
Founder of art Heroes
Quinn Zeda
Founder of Conversion Crimes
“Entrepreneurship can be lonely, but with the DC community, I can be anywhere in the world and have someone local to connect with. These peeps have added so much value to me professionally and personally that it accelerated my growth by a multitude and they now make up my inner circle of friends.”
Mitko Karshovski
Founder of The Remote Life
“The DC has been a critically important part of my life and business since joining a few years ago. No matter where I am in the world, I can always trust that a fellow DCer is there to connect with and when it comes to business I'm yet to have a question or problem that someone in the community can't help with. I recommend the DC to all my founder friends!”
Justin Cooke
Co-founder of Empire Flippers, INC 5000, 100+ Employees
“There was a feeling 'I've found my people' when I joined. I feel so lucky to have made amazing personal and professional relationships through the forum, meetups, and conferences - many of which have only deepened over the last decade. The advice, support, and inspiration provided by the other members has been a major part of both my professional and personal growth. This is the best entrepreneurial community I've ever been a part of, by far.”
Sofie Couwenbergh
Founder of Let Me Write That Down for You
“The DC is where I found my people. It's where I learned that my goals and dreams were maybe "out of the norm", but perfectly ok and achievable. Being surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are constantly trying to improve not just their businesses but also their health, relationships, and overall lifestyles has made me dream even bigger. The best part is that those big dreams don't seem scary, because DCers have each others' backs, and I'm grateful to call several of them my friends.”
Moe Muise
Founder of Key Words Blogger
“I've been a member of the DC for ten years, and I can sum up its USP in one sentence: access to a group of diverse, smart, experienced, successful entrepreneurs who are *implementing*. I stress that last word - implementing - because every other group I've belonged to has been full of talkers. Not the DC - it's jam-packed with ‘doers’.”
Bunty Somroy
Founder of Red Pine Digital
“I came into the DC as a volunteer with no real marketable skills, over $15k debt, and little belief in my future. I was taken in by the community, worked for some smart people, and created my own multi-6 figure business. As a side benefit, i have friends in every city all over the world. All thanks to the DC!”
Jodie Cook
Founder of Coachvox AI
“Since joining Dynamite Circle in 2017, I have met interesting entrepreneurs all over the world, sold a business, started a new one, secured investment, and made lifelong friends. The community is strong, the events are invaluable, and there is usually someone who has faced your specific challenge before who is ready to help you through it. If you constantly seem to be the odd one out or if you've ever been called ‘weird,’ ‘intense,’ or ‘geeky,’ you might feel at home in the DC!”
John Ainsworth
Founder of DataDrivenMarketing
“The DC is not guru-led, it’s community-led. It's for people who run online businesses and are focused on lifestyle design and travel. I haven't seen anything else like this out there, and these are very much my people. I'm very grateful for having found this community and how the DC has impacted my business. You’ll meet so many founders who are going through the same challenges as you. They’ll be willing to have tough conversations and inspire you. Here, people understand you.“
“After dozens of entrepreneurship and business networking groups, the DC is the only membership I've maintained for close to ten years because it stands in a category of it's own.”
Jan Roos
Founder of Casefuel
Scott Brills
Founder of Pamoja Safaris
“When I came across the DC via the Tropical MBA podcast in 2012, I knew I had found my people. After years of having to explain what I did for work and how I traveled around the world non-stop, finally, there were people that just "got" me. Over the past decade in the DC I've made hundreds of friends, elevated my business to the next level multiple times, and learned so much from my fellow DCers. It's the only community I've actively been involved with for this long, and that speaks volumes alone. It's worth it!.”
Tommy Griffith
Founder of ClickMinded
“The DC is the most important group of friends and like-minded business owners that I've ever been a part of. I've never felt more at home than I do with this group. For me, this community was a flash point in my business life. When you surround yourself with a bunch of over-achieving nerds who aggressively chart their own path, it resets your own mental standards for what's possible, and for what your goals should be. The DC is the Star Wars cantina of Internet entrepreneurship - you'll come in looking for an answer to something specific, and you'll walk out with some type of alien technology and a bunch of weird new bounty hunter friends.”
Emil Hodzovic
Founder of DoctorEmil.com
“The DC was my "in" to this world of freedom, both in a financial sense and geographical sense. I can honestly say it's the single biggest 'thing' which took me from being a full time medical doctor, totally caught up in that world and not even knowing what an 'entrepreneur' was - to being an all singing, all dancing full time nomad/world traveller and exceeding anything I could ever have made as a doctor. The community is full of a HUGE variety of like minded people. You WILL find a tribe here and some of my closest friends have come from the DC. And from a purely practical sense, I can travel to most places in the world and instantly connect with fellow DCers, plugging me in to the local community before I've even landed. Can't recommend it enough.”
John Solorzano
Founder of Solo Media Group
“The DC was the reason I quit my job, started my business, and left for Asia. The DC was the fork in the road that put my life on a completely different trajectory (for the better). This group showed me that building a remote first business is not only real but can generate real wealth. Since joining the DC, I've built a business with over 15 employees, all Latinos like myself. I now have mentors who I frequently ask for financial or business advice. I now have peers that hold me accountable to not only business goals but personal goals. Best of all, I've got lifelong friends I admire and enjoy seeing in different parts of the world. I'm a member because the DC are my people. We all like to travel, grow business(s), and be challenged to go against the status quo.”
Kean Graham
Founder of MonetizeMore
“Since joining the DC, MonetizeMore has more than 10x to yearly gross revenues close to 9 figures. The DC has helped accelerate MonetizeMore's growth via connections, useful content and inspiring success of other DC members. The DC has been an incredible community for me since the early days of traveling while running my business. I used to think I was mostly alone in my crazy lifestyle. Since finding the DC, I've been able to meet close friends, it's affected my worldview and I've felt part of a tribe that has a unique worldview that really resonates. I've met and traveled the World with several DC members. Some of my best friends are DC members and I'm forever grateful for this community. I'm part of several other entrepreneur communities but I'm just not understood like I am in the DC. DC members tend to "get it" when it comes to nomadic entrepreneur lifestyles which is so refreshing! I originally joined because I wanted to connect with other entrepreneurs that live a similar lifestyle. It was TropicalMBA that drew me in. I've received so much value from this community. Now that Vancouver is my full-time home, I'm less involved , however, I do get value from connecting with other members and reading some of the useful content.”
Jan Roos
Founder of CaseFuel
“After dozens of entrepreneurship and business networking groups, the DC is the only membership I've maintained for close to ten years because it stands in a category of it's own. The DC is the only community where I haven't felt like a customer or someone being sold to. It's not coach-trainee, vendor-customer or anything like that - it's truly side by side. In the DC I can do cool shit and be inspired by other people doing cool shit. I've made business relationships, sure, but I've also made lifelong friends, people to live with and even attended weddings from people who I've met through the DC. I have several hobbies I would have never gotten into it with DCers. I know I can go to some of the coolest cities in the world and have a group of people to hang out with on the third Thursday of the month. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm in fight club when I tell a friend how I know a DCer doing big things in the news. It's cliche to say but I don't know where I would be without the DC. It's not a 'networking group' a 'business community' or anything like that. It's really a tribe and one I'll be happy to be a part of (as long as they'll have me)!”
Jeff Fruhwirth
Real Estate Investor
“I've been a dc member for 9 years, and the community has become a big part of my life. I've traveled to many awesome places and met amazing people, all of whom I'd consider friends. It has helped me go from a noob entrepreneur with a few affiliate websites to a stable and consistent real estate business. I've learned many lessons from my fellow members that shaved years off my timeline. I’ve made amazing relationships and lifelong friends from the group as well. The main reason I'm a member after so many years is the things I learn each and every time I talk to a DC person. The conversations range from business to relationships, personal growth, new ways to think about life, and everything In between. My business is very steady now, so the business advice has taken a backseat to catching up with friends during the in-person events and having deep, intentional conversations about life in beautiful places.“
Jimmy Ichane
Co-Founder of BroMedia.net
“I was a long-time listener to the TropicalMBA podcast and I had been hearing about the DC for a while. I thought it was BS, just another forum where people push their online courses and shitty products. Well, I was wrong. My entry into DC was DCBKK 2022 with the epic tuk-tuk parade. I usually don't go to conferences anymore but this event was more than that. I find very useful info on the forum and am able just to ping and pick the brain of other members for their opinions. It is very refreshing to meet and talk to like-minded individuals. I found that being an internet "entrepreneur" is actually quite lonely, and friends/people around you don't understand the pressure it entails and the fact that for every problem, you are basically on your own to fix it. Within DC, I can connect with people that have the same issues as me in the past, or just rant together :-)“
“ The Dynamite Circle has been my go-to source for advice, support, and motivation throughout my entrepreneurial journey, and I can confidently say that I wouldn't be where I am today without this incredible community.”
Tung Tran
Founder of TK Ventures
Jarred Killey
Founder of Empact Digital
“"As a business owner, there's no shortage of friends and families willing to give advice. However, getting quality and qualified feedback is rare in business. Dynamite Circle is a community full of business owners that are going through the same day-to-day that you are. As a member, it's great to have a community that is actually going through the same thing as me, and bounce ideas off". ”
Dana Lindahl
Founder of Legendary Podcasts
“The DC has been quite literally life-changing for me. I stumbled into this community by accident at an in-person event in Bali, and I can't even imagine where I would be today without the DC. I've made life-long friends, realized the extent of what is possible for me to do in life and have gone from a low-ambition freelancer to a full-fledged business owner. .”
Gerhard Pappert
Founder of Dr. Pappert Consulting
“The community has given me inspiration and practical skills for my business. As my business in life science and medical communications is quite niche, I have recieved good advice on how to build a content business and gained knowledge about online marketing and mindset. I made several really good friends in the DC over the years. This has been an invaluable benefit.”
Markus Seebauer
Founder of Gateway Translations
“I have been in the DC for a decade. During this time I have got a lot of encouragement to stay & progress on the entrepreneurial path. From Argentina to Vietnam I have met up with fellow online entrepreneurs through the DC. These offline and online conversations are pretty unique and cover a wide range of topics - tactical advice, masterminds, travel, personal growth.”
Dom Wells
Founder of Onfolio
“I can draw a straight line from the success I have now to the day I joined the DC. Before the DC, I didn't have many entrepreneur friends, and I attended my first DCBKK in 2015 and immediately thought "Wow, these are my people". I was in awe and very inspired. These days, the majority of my friends are DCers, and even though we are spread around the globe, I am more connected to them than some of the people I meet in my home city. It's not just about the community, though, I've learned a ton from seeing other people's success, or asking people directly for advice. I can't recommend the DC enough..but make sure you join the live events.”
Jesse Schoberg
CEO and Co-Founder of DropInBlog
“The unique thing about the Dynamite Circle is it's the perfect balance between biz talk and lifestyle talk. The members are quality and conversations can range from your ad funnel to the latest residency visas to asset diversification and investing. It's filled with ambitious entrepreneurs from a huge range of backgrounds that bring unmatched value. As someone who's been living around the world for over a decade, the DC feels like home. It's helped me grow my business and make amazing connections and friends like no other.”
Noel Andrews
Owner of JobRack
“The DC has been absolutely life-changing for me. From helping me figure out the idea to launch my first business, to giving me my monthly dose of entrepreneurial input and inspiration as I travelled to the London Juntos. The DC is now the most amazing network of friends all across the world. Just 18 months after joining the DC, I bought a business that had been born three years earlier within the community. With the support of an awesome DC mastermind, I embarked on a whole new adventure. My friendship group is almost entirely amazing DCers, and I've formed some of the deepest friendships I could have imagined through this awesome group.“
Matt Tallarico
Founder of InvergeHQ
“While attending my first DC event, it was mind-blowing to see the caliber of humans that were a part of the group. There were no compromises between building businesses and exploring the world, and having a great time...even with kids. I've always valued people that think anything is possible, and this is a group that pushes that boundary. Not only in business but also, more importantly, in how we live our lives day-to-day. So many folks in this community have first hand experience with what I'm currently working on and it's incredible to ask for first hand experience with things that I'm dealing with. I've been able to grow my business faster by being able to tap into this network. “
“Since joining the DC, I've built a business with over 15 employees, all Latinos like myself. I now have peers that hold me accountable to business and personal goals. Best of all, I've got lifelong friends I admire and enjoy seeing in different parts of the world. I'm a member because the DC are my people. ”
John Solorzano
Founder of Solo Media Group
Mark Brenwall
Founder of WOD Nation
“The DC has truly been the core community I've based my life around after I left the USA to become a digital nomad. It has been there with me from the time I just had an idea of what kind of business I wanted to start all the way through my exit. Whenever my wife and I travel the world we tap into the DC network to see who's around. It's such a great feeling to show up in a new place and connect with other people who become instant friends. I started a mastermind in the early days of my business through the DC. We met religiously every week for well over a year. The changes that the mastermind made in all of our lives were profound.”
Julio Tarraf
Founder of Craftingcases.com
“The DC to me was a huge relief. I spent 5 years working on my business and the only person who remotely understood what I was talking about was my business partner. Parents, girlfriends, and close friends, had no idea why I wasn't taking any kind of conventional route. So it was a breath of fresh air meeting HUNDREDS of people with whom I could talk shop without having to explain every single concept. The direct business impact was apparently not so relevant. But the boost in energy and confidence I felt after each event I went to is not something you can put a price on!”
Taylor Pearson
Founder of Mutiny Fund
“It's hard to overstate how impactful the DC has been on my business and career. When I joined ten years ago, my most successful business had been a few small Adsense sites and today I run a 7-person hedge fund. Throughout that period, the DC has offered me support and a world-class network of entrepreneurs who differentiate themselves from other groups I've been a part of in their international and travel-minded outlook, but more importantly, in their thoughtfulness. I think there is no better testament to the quality of the members than the fact that I had a "DC Table" at my wedding!”
Tung Tran
Founder of TK Ventures
“I joined Dynamite Circle in September 2013, and after just a month, I found myself boarding a plane to Bangkok, Thailand, to attend the DCBKK conference. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. Thanks to the DC, I was able to connect with a like-minded community of location-independent entrepreneurs and form lasting friendships that have had a significant impact on my personal and professional life. The Dynamite Circle has been my go-to source for advice, support, and motivation throughout my entrepreneurial journey, and I can confidently say that I wouldn't be where I am today without this incredible community.”
Dennis Donchev
Founder of La Jolla Car Detail
“The DC has been an opportunity to network with other business owners in a setting where accountability increases the trust threshold. I’ve been able to model behaviors and strategies around businesses that are years ahead of me, helping me skip a few years of mistakes and get ahead quicker. Many of these folks have a similar vision for the life they want to live, so friendships are inevitable. Meaningful friendships where you can both have business therapy sessions and explore the world. I am a member because my values align with those of the other members of the group. Growing a strong and healthy business to help you achieve your dream lifestyle, whatever that may look like. ”
Mike Stankavich
Founder of MikeStankavich.com
“From that first meetup in Puerto Galera, Philippines in 2011, I knew I had found my tribe. People who are willing to challenge the conventional narrative of showing up to a corporate job for the next 30 years, scrimping for enough to buy a condo in Florida, then sitting there watching TV and waiting to die. And they don't just challenge that narrative in words. They act. DC members consistently test their ideas, assess what they learn, and then use those learnings to inform the next experiment. It is a community that thrives on growth, experimentation, and travel. I'm looking forward to being inspired and amazed by all the things that this tribe does for years to come.“