Why We Are Giving Women Founders 3 Months of Membership for Free

An update on the initiative to bring more women into the community

Last April, from the DCMEX stage, we shared many community stats. The stat that started the most conversations was that 24% of the community is women entrepreneurs.

Shortly after the event, DCer Maria Sirotkina wrote us a wonderful email full of ideas about how we could encourage more women entrepreneurs to join our community.

One idea stuck out: What if qualified women could explore the DC for free? Would they be more willing to give it a try?

We discussed this idea with community members, and the feedback was unanimous: give it a shot. So, we did.

In June, we started giving 3-month trials of the DC to qualifying women founders.

We hoped we would get at least a few qualified apps, and maybe members would mention this to offer to their friends. The response was overwhelming. DCers are inviting their friends, and as a result, we’re accepting applications from awe-spiring entrepreneurs almost every day. These women own million-dollar ecommerce brands, 20-person agencies, fast-growing SaaS tools, and more. Our team is thrilled to welcome them.

The community is also pleased since these new members are already contributing positively. They participate in meet-ups, join masterminds, and share their experiences in the forum.

One important question is, “Are the requirements to join being altered?”

No, in fact, the requirements to join the DC have increased. Anyone who applies is being held to the same standard. There is also more scrutiny of the applicants’ intentions and restrictions on the business models that can join. We have done this to ensure the DC grows positively.

The community grows not through quantity, but by quality. Enforcing the standards and marketing to a certain type of entrepreneur is a net positive for our members. Since these changes, applications and new members have increased by 25% - all without turning a blind eye or bending the requirements to join.

Thank you to our members participating in this successful initiative. We are proud to welcome more high-level women founders to the community.

If you’d like to invite a friend to try out the community, here’s how:

  1. Make sure they qualify for the DC. Many applications are denied, so please ask them to read the requirements.

  2. Ask them to fill out this application form and list you as the reference.

  3. If accepted, we’ll let them fully access the community at no cost for three months.

This initiative is running only for Q3 (July to September). If you have questions, ideas, or concerns, please contact alexander@dynamitecircle.com.


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